The Worlds First Tooth Fairy Ever by Zane Carson Carruth

 “The World's First Tooth Fairy... Ever” and “Abella Starts a Tooth Fairy School” are now available at Barnes & Noble.

The Worlds First Tooth Fairy...Ever by Zane Carson Carruth

Have you ever wondered how the tooth fairy tradition started?

Join Abella, a precocious little fairy on her journey through Tulip Hollow with her friend Darcie. Abella finally has the chance to venture out of the castle and fly to a party with Darcie when she is snatched by a big old bee and flown out of Tulip Hollow. Find out how Abella frees herself from the bee and discovers children for the first time. Follow along as she shows great courage and resourcefulness to solve an unexpected problem and return home to Tulip Hollow. It is during this challenge that Abella accidently starts the tooth fairy tradition.

The World’s First Tooth Fairy… Ever is a delightful book about adventure, bravery and how being curious is often a very good thing.

Abella Starts a Tooth Fairy School

by Zane Carson Carruth

After the world's first tooth fairy, Abella, returned to Tulip Hollow with the first pearly white tooth, all the fairies were frantic to have one. Overwhelmed by her friends' requests, Abella realized she must start a tooth fairy school.

Follow along on this roller-coaster adventure as Abella and her best friend, Darcie, overcome difficult situations on their first day as professional tooth fairies. In true form, the little fairies show bravery and confidence as they overcome the challenges.

Abella Starts a Tooth Fairy School is an exciting book about taking charge and solving problems!

"Few write children's stories with such magical aplomb, such genuine appreciation for a child's depth of imagination, zest for fantasy, and love of adventure as Zane Carruth." - Thomas J. Madden, Author of Spin Man, King of the Condo, and Love Boat 78

I received complimentary copies.

Cassandras' Review-  You can have so much fun reading these books out loud and they are sure to make any child smile but more importantly they are teaching valuable life lessons. 
