Parkinson's Blues by John J Clayton

 Parkinson's Blues: Stories of My Life

by John J Clayton

Parkinson’s Blues

Publisher: Paragon House

Release Date: September 1, 2020

ISBN: 978-155778943351895

Available from and Amherst Books

This book begins describing the onset of Parkinson's, the arrival of the dark unexpected. In a Monty Python skit, someone is nagged by questions. "I didn't expect the Spanish Inquisition," he complains. Suddenly Michael Palin, in red 16th century costume, bursts into the room. "Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!" he shrieks. Who expects the onset of Parkinson's? Or cancer? Or stroke? Or the loss of a child? The terrible surprise isn't limited to Parkinson's. It's the existential condition of everyone's life. In fourteen sketches, John J. Clayton links the experience of PD with the experience of childhood sickness, family battles, the struggle to make a good life out of a painful life. 

I received a complimentary copy.

Cassandra's Review-  A powerful glimpse of one man who did not give up.  A survivor no matter what life continues to dish out.  As you get into the chapters and story it is bittersweet at times with moments that require a tissue or two.  Thanks to John for sharing strength. 
