Advice I Ignored By Ruby Walker #adviceiignored #teenagedepression #depression #teen #selfhelp

Advice I Ignored: Stories and Wisdom from a Formerly Depressed Teenager
Advice I Ignored: Stories and Wisdom from a Formerly Depressed Teenager
by Ruby Walker

Advice I Ignored is the only book about teenage depression that was actually written by a teenager!

When Ruby Walker was fifteen, she went from a numb, silent, miserable high school dropout to a joyous loudmouth in one year flat. Advice I Ignored answers the question everyone's been asking her since: What happened? In ten illustrated chapters, you'll learn how to:

get out from under self-hatred
gain a sense of free will
deal with failure without falling apart
create your way through an existential crisis
use exercise to beg your brain for endorphins
have an identity beyond "sad"
and more!
Full of embarrassing stories, honest advice, and fierce hope, Advice I Ignored is a self-help book for people who hate help. And themselves.

You Can Follow Ruby Twitter @rubyirl
Purchase a copy on Amazon or B&N

I received a complimentary copy.

Cassandra's Review- This is a beautiful book full of openness and honesty. It is the perfect gift for any parent who needs to understand or for a teen going through a tough time.  You can heal, learn and gain so much from taking the time to read this as well as taking the time to check out the illustrations.
