Doris Range Pads

Doris Range Pads are an invention of Doris, a homemaker and a mother from Bochum, Germany. Realizing the need of a simple product for hassle free cleanliness, she came up with the idea of these multiple featured pads that are heat, abrasion and corrosion resistant. When cooking, food may splash on the range top, and eventually harden. Cleaning the tops can be a tedious daily and time-consuming task. It can also be difficult to regulate heat or keep food warm without constantly checking the food without adjusting the heat
Large Pad

Originally designed to shield inductive range tops when the range burners are not in use, and protect unused sections from food splashes, the Doris Range Pads are made of heavy duty high temperature silicon, designed to be placed directly over the burner.

 5 Pad Set

The pads are designed in shapes of a standard range top connected together like a puzzle. The pads connect and seal so that food splashes and liquids can’t escape into the cracks to the surface of the range top and can withstand up to 480 degrees Fahrenheit, arranged in any pattern. The pads are easily cleaned with soap and water and are dishwasher safe. Stick resistant, the surface will adhere to the top of the range top to prevent the pads from moving freely.

Since the pads have connectors to lock the pads and to prevent any liquids from leaking through the cracks, the pads have endless uses -  “trivets” for pots and pans, placemats, covering for furniture tops, workstations for electronic projects, beading work, and hobbies as well as children’s creative activities.

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