How to be a Veterinarian Kit This Little Medical School ® “CLASSROOM IN A BOX”

For all the kids out there who say they want to be a doctor or a vet or a sports surgeon, Little Medical School has the perfect option to keep those dreams alive. Their How to Kits, developed with the help of physicians and educators, give kids everything they need from working stethoscope to exam sheet to activities and diplomas. Kids can feel inspired and empowered, while at the same time, learning about what really goes into the profession.
Little Veterinarian Toy Contents
How to be a Veterinarian Kit
AGES: 6+

INSPIRES: role-play, health awareness through education, creativity, and problem-solving

This Little Medical School ® “CLASSROOM IN A BOX” offers aspiring veterinarians a wide variety of hands-on and educational activities. The HOW TO BE A VETERINARIAN KIT can be enjoyed multiple times with five separate activities:

Adopt A Pet
Perform A Nose To Tail Exam
Measuring Your Dog
Healthy Treats
Sick of Ticks
Students conclude their activities with a graduation ceremony and diploma. This kit is designed for children (6+) and can be used independently or with adult supervision.

I received complimentary product.

Cassandra's review- Very well made and easy to teach any age no matter what special need.  Kids can have fun either playing or pretend and everyone loves a soft and cuddly plush.  
