Written by Zoë Tucker | Illustrated by Zoe Persico
November 19th 2019 | 9780711253773 | Ages 4–7
US $17.99 | CAN $23.99 | 100% recycled paper
Greta is a little girl who lives in a beautiful forest threatened by Giants. When the Giants first came to the forest, they chopped down trees to make houses. Then they chopped down more trees and made even bigger homes. The houses grew into towns and the towns grew into cities, until now there is hardly any forest left. Greta knows she has to help the animals, but how? Luckily Greta has an idea that will lead to the Giants and the animals working together in harmony. An additional section at the back explains that in reality the fight against the giants isn’t over and Greta needs the reader’s help.
About Greta Thunberg
– Gained international attention in August 2018 when at 15-years old she began protesting outside parliament to bring awareness to climate change
– Started the global “school strike for climate” movement, and in March 2019 an estimated 1.4 million students in 112 countries around the world joined her call in striking and protesting
– Viral Ted Talk has been viewed more than 2.8 million times
– Sailed across the Atlantic on a zero-emissions racing yacht to attend UN summit without incurring the carbon footprint of air travel
– Speaking at the United Nations climate talks in New York in September and Chile in December 2019
– Nominated by Swedish Parliament for the Nobel Peace Prize to be announced in October 2019
Joining the Fight
A portion of proceeds from the book will be donated to 350. org, an organization Greta supports and that is dedicated to building a future that’s just, prosperous, equitable and safe from the effects of climate change. www.350 .org
Greta and the Giants will be printed locally in North America on 100% recycled paper
About the Author and Illustrator
ZOË TUCKER is passionate about picture books. In her day job as a picture-book art director and designer, she has worked with best-selling artists including Waterstones-prize winner Lizzy Stewart, Axel Scheffler, Nick Sharratt and Helen Stephens. Her first picture book, Ada Lovelace and the Number-Crunching Machine, will publish in September 2019.
ZOE PERSICO is an illustrator with a love for the cute, the colorful, and all things whimsical. Her picture book Georgia’s Terrific, Colorific Experiment (Running Press) has received rave reviews. Born and bred in the Midwest, she currently resides in Florida with her partner and dog.
I received a complimentary copy.
Cassandra's Review- A great story to share with young readers that has the power to change and impact the way they think or to bring awareness.
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