Bad Love Strikes by Kevin L. Schewe MD Review

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Bad Love Strikes, ISBN 978-1950895090, 2019, Broken Crow Ridge Publishing, paperback, $19.95, hardcover, $35.95, ebook: $9.99, 220 pages, available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Goodreads. Watch the book trailer here:

In October 1939, Albert Einstein warns President Franklin D. Roosevelt that Nazi Germany is actively pursuing an atomic bomb and urges him to make sure that the United States develops the bomb first. Roosevelt heeds the warning and launches the “Manhattan Project” in June 1942.

In October 1942, Roosevelt tells Einstein that prudence calls for the U.S. to have a back-up plan to the Manhattan Project in case Hitler gets the bomb first. Roosevelt commissions Einstein to secretly construct a usable time travel machine code named the “White Hole Project.”

In June 1974, an adventurous group of teenage friends, who call themselves the “Bad Love Gang,” discover a tunnel leading to the White Hole Project. They learn how to use the time machine and become the first known humans to travel back in time and return. Their mission is to save Jews and Gypsies from the Holocaust in November 1944 by using a U.S. Air Force B-17 bomber that was known as “The Phantom Fortress.”

I received a complimentary copy.

Cassandra's review- A powerful read that held my interest as well as crafting a very good story.  The time flew by as I was immersed in the chapters and it felt like I was able to be in those moments. A book that will make a great gift this holiday.   
