Leading From the Edge of the Inside by Jim Moats Review

Leading From the Edge of the Inside: Embracing the Heart of Business Leadership
by Jim Moats
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With the challenges facing owners and leadership teams of privately-owned companies, trying to lead can feel daunting. Today's problems can often feel complex and the resources scarce. Yet the heart felt urge to create something special remains strong.

Leading from the Edge of the Inside provides a simple path to shifting your leadership patterns and those of your leadership team. It brings to light the invisible patterns that no longer serve you and offers the structure for you and your leadership team to playfully practice shifting.If you've noticed that traditional leadership levers are less and less effective you aren't alone.

 As you practice the essential conversations; value creation, execution, growth, leader effectiveness, management team coherence, collaboration, connection and inner fluency, traction will improve and your ability to scale will simplify. More importantly, the quality of meaning you and each employee experience will become measurable and leading will once again become more fun.

I received a complimentary copy.

Cassandra's Review-  I was floored by the amount of valuable and easy to understand sections.  It can be really hard for me to retain a lot of information at one time, but I love that I can go back to reference and get the best tips and tricks along with a blast of positive information.  
