Stumbling Blocks to Stepping Stones by Doug Zahn Review

Stumbling Blocks to Stepping Stones: A Guide to Successful Meetings and Working Relationships
Book by Doug Zahn
9781532060861 medium
In both business and personal life, we engage in hundreds of conversations each day. Some are successful. Some are not. In Stumbling Blocks to Stepping Stones, you will learn from author Doug Zahn how to improve your conversations, thereby building more effective relationships, whether with friends or those you perceive as adversaries.

This book offers a way to begin, continue, and end a successful conversation, helping assure participants are satisfied with the outcome. Zahn offers strategies to monitor and adjust your input during the interaction. To successfully use his approach, you must commit to self-observation and change.

Successful relationships are the key to completing most jobs, whether at home or at work. Through the analysis of difficult conversations (those you often prefer to avoid) and the use of methodical building blocks, you will be able to have successful interactions wherever you go.

I received a complimentary copy.

Cassandra's Review- I received a complimentary copy.

Relatable and really easy to connect with this book is written in a great way. I really enjoy the helpful add ins and the way the author brings everything together. I picked up some great advice and will use this book to further my communications. Perfect for college kids as well or anyone who needs to present themselves around others.
